Ordinary Diploma in Wildlife Management
This diploma programme is designed for middle-level professionals in NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies to supervise teams in various wildlife management activities.
Ordinary Diploma in Tour Guide Operations
This diploma programme is designed for middle-level professionals in NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies to supervise teams in various wildlife management activities.
Ordinary Diploma in Community-Based Conservation
This diploma is designed for field operations in various natural resources management sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies. It provides practical training in conservation programs and protected areas, equipping graduates with necessary knowledge and skills.
By joining this program, you will gain knowledge and skills in community conservation activities such as community conservation programs, mitigation of Human-Wildlife Conflicts, tourism impacts management, conservation education, land use planning, resource management and advisory role to community conservation areas.
Ordinary Diploma in Captive Wildlife Management and Taxidermy
This diploma programme aims to equip technicians in the captive wildlife and taxidermy industry, including NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies, with the knowledge and skills to establish and supervise captive wildlife facilities and produce wildlife products.
Technician Certificate in Wildlife Management
This Certificate programme is designed for middle level wildlife professionals within the wildlife sector including Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), local communities and the private sector with interests in wildlife management and law enforcement.
Technician Certificate in Tour Guide Operations
This Certificate programme is a qualification for tourism technicians working in various sectors, including NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agenciess.
Technician Certificate in Community-Based Conservation
This Certificate programme is designed for field operations in various natural resources management sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies. It provides practical training in community conservation programs and protected areas
Technician Certificate in Captive Wildlife Management and Taxidermy
This Certificate programme aims to produce field operations wildlife management technicians for various sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies, providing a comprehensive understanding of wildlife management approaches.
Basic Technician Certificate in Wildlife Management
This Certificate programme aims to produce field operations wildlife management technicians for various sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies, providing a comprehensive understanding of wildlife management approaches.
Basic Technician Certificate in Tour Guiding Operations
This Certificate programme is designed for tourism technicians working in various sectors, including NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies.
Basic Technician Certificate in Community Based Conservation
This Certificate programme is designed for field operations in various natural resources management sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies.
Basic Technician Certificate in Captive Wildlife Management and Taxidermy
This Certificate programme aims to produce field operations wildlife management technicians for various sectors, including government, NGOs, local communities, private companies, and international agencies, providing a comprehensive understanding of wildlife management approaches.