CONTAN E-Learning Modules

Content of the e-learning platform on MOODLE (3 courses, 14 modules, 89 lectures).

1: Ecological monitoring and conservation biology in the tropics

  • - Module 1. Setting the stage: tropical rainforests in the Anthropocene;
  • - Module 2. Monitoring biodiversity in Afrotropical forests: policy and practice;
  • - Module 3. Conservation biology in tropical forests;
  • - Module 4. Applied population and community ecology;
  • - Module 5. Introduction to molecular ecology, conservation genetics and phylogeography.

COURSE 2: Quantitative methods for ecological monitoring in the tropics

  • - Module 1. Introduction to the scientific method, scientific writing and peer-review in applied ecology;
  • - Module 2. Introduction to sampling, data analyses and basic statistics in applied ecology (Note: the module includes tutorials and files for data analyses in R);
  • - Module 3. Applied methods in wildlife ecology (Note: the module includes tutorials and files for data analyses in R);
  • - Module 4. Remote Sensing and GIS based analysis for land cover change assessment;
  • - Module 5. Applied methods in vegetation ecology.

COURSE 3: Methods in taxonomy and biodiversity inventorying in the tropics

  • - Module 1. Methods for Arthropods;
  • - Module 2. Plant Biology;
  • - Module 3. Methods for inventorying vertebrates;
  • - Module 4. Measurement of microclimate and soil.